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Monday, October 30, 2017

October Brought Gifts!

Greetings, dear readers, on this eve of Halloween!  I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying some of the fall weather that is sneaking in behind the summer heat.  I wanted to drop by and share some of the beauties that were gifted to us in this glorious month of October!

* My neighbor's Ornamental Pear Tree left a colorful calling card this weekend!
~photo by Suzanne


* Don't ask, lol!  I don't know where this guy came from, but, isn't he a beaut!!!  He even has the American Flag behind him!  Loved getting this shot!
~photo by Suzanne


* Wild daisies down at the creek.  These sweet blooms were a pleasant surprise!
~photo by Suzanne


* A squirrel cooling himself on a park bench in Cleburne, Texas!
~photo by Suzanne

* Sunday gathering at the creek!  It was an interesting meeting, I'm sure!
~photo by Suzanne


* Mums' the word! * Guys just want to have fun!
~photo by Suzanne


* Dorothy and friends at Meadow Lakes Senior Living *
North Richland Hills, Texas
~photo by Suzanne


* On the eve of his "NINTH" Birthday * Little Scootie
~ photo by his Dad

* Well, I guess I'd better call it a day, and see what else I can get into!   I'm so glad you all came by today, and, I hope you have time to say hello.  All comments are so appreciated!

We are having some of the best weather of the year right now in the Fort Worth/Dallas Texas Metroplex!  However, on a not so glad note, there is about an 80% chance of rain tomorrow night for Halloween.  This could put a damper on the fun activities for our kids!  We plan to take Scootie to a  "Tailgate Trick or Treat" festival at a local church, so, we're hoping the rain will let up for that event.

Please have a safe, but enjoyable Halloween Night!  Flashlights are a good idea for the kids, or those light up necklaces (I don't know what they're called)!

 "Cat on a fence post
Witch in the moon;
Ghosts hover softly,
Halloween soon!"
~rusty fischer  

*  Happy Halloween from My Texas Gardens!🎃


  1. Hi there Dear Suzanne,
    I so loved seeing all your photos - the ornamental pears' leaves are gorgeous.
    What a fun visit from Mr Rooster... he's certainly an adventurous fellow. Perhaps he saw your camera and felt he was so worthy of a photo ;D)
    The daisies are so sweet - and always bring a smile.
    Love the ducks on the water, you did well capturing them, lol, they're never still are they!!
    What a cute little squirrel - another camera poser ;D)
    Love the photo of Scootie in his red shirt.
    Happy Ninth Birthday to Scootie. Thanks for sharing that charming portrait of him. He's growing into a fine young man isn't he. I can imagine how proud you must be.
    Glad to read that your weather is starting to become a bit cooler - hope the rain holds off for the Halloween festivities - have lots of fun!
    Cheerio and thanks for sharing all these lovely moments in your post xx

    1. Dear Sue. It is so nice of you to stop by, and to wish Scootie a Happy Birthday! His birthday was several days ago, and he is still excited about it! He's hoping so hard for a non-raining Halloween!

      I did have a few posers for my photos during the month. I guess they're relaxing in the cooler weather, and, thinking that it's alright for me to take their pictures this time around! I had to hurry my camera with the ducks, because some boys came along to throw rocks in the creek, and the ducks flew off from the noise.

      I don't know who the Rooster belongs to, he has been in my yard for almost a week now. I guess it's okay, as long as he doesn't cause any trouble. He is very healthy and brightly colored. Several families have chickens in their yards, but I don't know their names. Maybe one of them will realize he's in my yard, and come to take him home.

      Thank you so much for stopping by, Sue, and for your very kind comments. I guess your weather is warming up for Spring now, and you have some lovely plantings! Have a very nice week! Hugs to you! ♥

  2. Hi, Suzanne!

    Sorry for arriving a little late again, dear friend. To tell you the truth, I arise by necessity at 5 am practically every day. By late afternoon I'm getting tired and my mind is turning to mush. That is why I prefer to sleep on your posts when they are published late in the day eastern time. Theoretically my mind is a little sharper early in the morning. We shall see about that. :)

    I enjoyed these pretty autumn scenes snapped on your property and in your vicinity along with the creative H-ween decorations. Fall leaves are a sight I always miss at this time of year. On two occasions in recent years Mrs. Shady and I have traveled out of state to a cooler location in the fall, specifically to a mountainous part of Alabama where some of our family members live. Up there on the mountain we had the opportunity to see the splendor of colored leaves all around us and experience temps close to freezing. This year we had too much going on and did not leave Central Florida. Therefore I am grateful to see closeups of leaves like that arrangement of red ones from your neighbor's pear tree.

    Goodness gracious, I didn't realize that red rooster is real. Until I read your reply to Sue, I thought he was a lawn ornament that you placed out there as an accent to your garden. Does he crow you awake at the crack of dawn? :)

    I love the shot of those wild daisies growing at the creek. It's such a natural setting. The picture reminds me of home in PA and days of my youth spent strolling along a stream at a park near my house.

    I love squirrels. Every day when I walk to the community mailboxes, a quarter mile trek round trip, I carry with me a baggie filled with peanuts, popcorn and walnuts. The squirrels know me by now and when they see me coming a couple of the tamer ones come running down the sidewalk toward me. I pause and toss them treats before continuing on my way. On the return trip they are waiting for me and on several occasions one of them has run after me in hopes of getting a few more snacks.

    Scootie is a handsome young man. I know you wish Karo could see him now. He would be very proud. I'm happy to know Scootie had a nice birthday and I wish him all the best in the coming year.

    Well, I just checked the Ft. Worth weather forecast and it still calls for a 90% chance of rain today and chilly temps with a high in the mid 50s. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and sunny. Let's hope that 90% chance of rain comes early in the day with clearing hour by hour so that trick-or-treat night isn't a total washout.

    Have a safe and happy (and hopefully dry) Halloween, dear friend Suzanne, and enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Hi Shady! Well, the day started off with the 'Science Hat' parade at Scootie's school...alas, I didn't get any good pictures. The kids paraded through the cafeteria, and there were so many I missed him, and only got a blurred photo. Well, maybe the teacher will post some photos of the class, but it was fun!

      We're still trying to plan for the evening. They said the rain could cease between 7 and 8 o'clock, giving a period of smooth sailing for trick or treats.

      You know, that rooster just showed up in my yard, and, yes, he is crowing whenever he darn well pleases! I really think he is an attractive bird, and he was on that fence with my 'snailseed berries'. I don't know where he lives, but, I guess he can hang around for the time being.

      I'm happy to see you, Shady, and hope you are getting plenty of rest. I'm up at 6:15am most days, and start fading around 6:30 or 7:00pm after dinner and homework time with the Scoots! You're right, Shady, Karo would be so proud of that little boy. His grades have really improved, and he is so shy, but is trying harder to jump in there and participate with his classmates!

      Thank you very much for your kind comments, and visit. Like you, we don't get many beautiful autumn leaves around here (I have to steal them from the neighbor, lol) But, my crape myrtle trees do turn a reddish purple. They just haven't done that yet! Have a wonderful Halloween, and what is left of the week, Shady! Thank you for coming by! ♫

  3. Hello, I love your pretty flowers. The rooster is a nice surprise visitor. I like the gathering of duck, lovely scene and photo. Scootie is a handsome boy, cute photos posing with the mums and scarecrow and the last photo. Happy Birthday to Scootie. It is sad it could be raining during the trick-or-treat time. Happy Halloween, enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Eileen! There are quite a few ducks on our creek, and I noticed one or two different from the Mallard ducks this time. I am so impressed at how they congregate as though they're having a meeting of some kind.

      I am glad to see you today. Thank you for coming by and leaving a comment, and for the Birthday greetings to Scootie! We're still hoping for clear skies tonight. Happy Halloween to you, have a nice evening!


What is your favorite flower today? Stop by and say hello!