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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

True Blue!

~ Blue Trapeze Morning Glory * photo by Suzanne * 11-18-17

There is so much beauty around us, isn't there!  Sometimes we only have to go for a walk, and a "pop" of color brings us to life!  This thicket of Morning Glorys gives me pleasure on a daily basis.  It stretches all the way down this sidewalk at the length of the homeowner's property line, facing north and east.

~White and Blue Morning Glorys * photo by Suzanne

At the property line, the thicket curves back  to the East along the width of the property.  The other day, I made good on my promise to take my camera and get some photos of this "beauty train".    As I approached the massive vine, I  spotted the home owner himself, and I asked him if it was alright for me to take some photos. He agreed it was, and, we introduced ourselves!  

As most of us are aware, the Morning Glory opens up in the early morning hours to start showing their stuff as the sun weaves into the vines.  This is the largest Morning Glory thicket that I have ever seen in my life, and it has graced our neighborhood for 2 or 3 years!  Morning glory prefers full sun, and has average water needs.  The blooms only last throughout the day, and will begin to fold up in late afternoon.  My neighbor, Larry, informed me that this particular Morning Glory is called "Trapeze", and, he gives them water 2 or 3 times a week.   I spotted quite a few butterflies traveling in and out of the vines...a happy sight to see.   

On the other side of the Morning Glory hedge was a large vegetable garden, which I had not seen previously.  After our visit Larry said, "Let me get you a few tomatoes before you leave."  He disappeared behind the Morning Glory vines, then reappeared carrying a bag loaded with tomatoes, bok choy, egg plant and lettuce.  I did not realize he had so much growing in his yard.  He said he had been planting winter onions when I came by, and gives most of his vegetables to neighbors and friends.


This was a wonderful beginning to my Thanksgiving week, and, reinforced my belief that there are still so many good folks to meet, and so much beauty to be thankful for!  

~photo by Suzanne * November 18, 2017

Thank You

***  I'm sending a special Thank You to you, dear readers, for taking the time to come by MyTexasGardens on this special week of the year!  Stop in and say hello if you have time! 
 I love hearing from you all!

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving holiday-see you next time!

* "Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like,
 and let the food fight it out inside." *
~ Mark Twain

Happy Birthday Mark Twain!
 * November 30 *



  1. Hi Suzanne!

    Thank you for sharing pictures of the handsome Blue Trapeze Morning Glory thicket that you pass on walks near your house. I also thank you for telling the inspiring story that goes along with it. You are lucky to have such a neighborly neighbor. When he discovered you admiring his Morning Glory hedge row, not only did he gave you permission to photograph it, he also offered tomatoes, then surprised you by coming back with a bag loaded with tomatoes, bok choy, egg plant and lettuce. He reminds me of Mrs. Shady's late uncle who had a citrus grove. Whenever we joined our aunt and uncle at their farm house for the Thanksgiving feast he insisted on sending us home with several bags of oranges and lemons along with leftovers from the meal and a couple of pumpkin pies his wife made for us (knowing how much we like them). If everyone followed their example - that is to give, give and give some more, give more than expected, give to a stranger, give to those less fortunate - what a wonderful country and world this would be.

    Thank you again for this uplifting post, dear friend Suzanne. I wish you and Scootie and your whole family a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Be careful out there on the highways and byways. God bless!

    1. Hi Shady! I'm telling you, there's something special around almost every corner! Just so happens my favorite color is blue. And, I've been too shy to stop and take photos up until now. I walked out my door and up the street...didn't figure on the neighbor being out there though, lol! We really did enjoy the tomatoes and lettuce from his garden, and I hope the Bok Choy lasts long enough to be fixed. All in all, it was so fun to meet a neighbor and share gardening tips!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and say hello, and for leaving a sweet comment. You're so right...give, give and give some more! May you and Mrs. Shady have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving, dear friend! ♫

  2. Hello Suzanne, the row of the morning glory is so pretty. What a lovely sight, I would enjoy seeing these pretty blooms in my neighborhood or yard. It sounds like you have a wonderful and generous neighbor sharing his harvest of veggies. I missed my tomatoes this past summer, we did not plant any. Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving. I appreciate your visit and comment on my blog. Have a happy day and week ahead.

    1. Hi Eileen. I've been enjoying that row of Morning Glorys for a couple of years now. I guess it was about time I sucked it in and walked up there. The home is just about half a block from mine. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your kind comments. Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Hello Suzanne!
    How beautiful to read of the happiness the Morning Glory display gives you - it looks gorgeous and you've done justice to it with your lovely photos.
    Good neighbours are so precious. You obviously live in a wonderful community.
    Very best wishes to you and have a lovely weekend :D) xx

    1. Hi Sue. The Morning Glorys are so spectacular! I've enjoyed them all summer, and they just keep on giving. Thank you so much for coming by and leaving your kind comments!

      I'm running a bit behind on blogging, as went out of town to spend Thanksgiving with my family-what a wonderful time and visit we had.

      Have a great week, Sue! xx

    2. I love your header Suzanne - Christmas lights are always lovely to look at.
      We're about to go and visit our family today but before we head off, I just wanted to send you my very best and warmest good wishes for happiness and peace this Christmas time and thank you for all the visits you've made to me and beautiful thoughts and comments you've left. Thank you for being there once more after my long absence from my blog last year too. Big hugs and good cheer, Sue xoxoxoxoxo

    3. Hi Sue. I'm so glad you came by, and I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family. I love Christmas lites, and these trees are lit up every year along one of the streets in town. I just had to stop and get a photo.

      Thank you so much for being a friend who brings good cheer with all of your visits! I wish a wonderful Christmas to you and your family, and, plenty of Happy blogging in the New Year! Suzanne ♥

  4. Hi there Suzanne, just popping by and I noticed your splendid header. Those Irises are incredible and so very blue! Also love the sweet little rose peeking out as well.
    I do hope all is going ok with you and that you're enjoying life nowadays. No pressure in regards to blogging but, as a friend from across the water, I just wanted to say hello. Lots of hugs and best wishes, Sue xo

    1. Hi Sue. So glad you came over. I haven't written much lately, but I come by to dust and update some of the photos and events. I have been so fortunate to have beautiful Iris these past few years, and the fragrance is so fresh...almost like grape juice. We are getting ready for our Thanksgiving holiday, and I have been so busy with my grandson and school as of late. I wish you the best holidays, and hope to see you again soon. xo♥


What is your favorite flower today? Stop by and say hello!