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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Seaside Petunias!

My 'Seaside Petunias'
photo by Suzanne * May 19, 2012

Hi everyone!  Just breezing by to share my 'Seaside Petunias' with you.  What a treat these have been.  They do well in full sun, and flutter like butterflies in the breeze.

These beauties are native to the U.S.  They grow in moist, sandy drainage areas, and along streams in the desert.  You can see the small 'petunia-like' flowers...they're abundant!  And, you can grow them in the ground, or in pots and hanging baskets.  I confess, I had never seen these before, and, only bought one pot-then, tucked the plant into this hanging basket.  I get to enjoy them every morning from our kitchen window, while I'm listening to 'Taking Care of Business' on the radio!  It is said that this plant is a perennial, grown as an annual...what in the world does that mean?  Maybe they'll come back next year?  Well, I suppose I'll find out, huh?

Have a wonderful weekend.  Thank you for stopping's always good to see you! 

And, by the way, Monday, May 21st of this year, 2012, is
'National Waitress/Waitperson Day'
be kind, exercise patience, and tip them well...well, within reason!

Thank You:
Yahoo Images

Hi Mom!

'Mixed Anemones'
painting by Emma Williams

Thursday, May 10, 2012