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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Herbaceous Plants...and, A Gentle Reminder!

Schoolbus * Fort Worth, TX * September 2012
Hi everyone!  I guess we all know by now that school has been back in session for several weeks.    This is my favorite schoolbus.  I get to stop for it almost every morning on my way to my 'big people's' school, lol!  I decided to get my phone out and take this photo one morning while I waited for the children to board the bus...I had a front row seat!  And, now, after stopping for this bus for the past few years, the bus driver and I waive to each other!  So, if she saw my phone flashing, I guess she didn't mind my taking the photo.
The other day I came across the name 'herbaceous', and, naturally I said, "What the heck does that mean?" Then, of course, I went 'nosing' around, and found out what it means!
Herbaceous plants have little or no wood within their structures.  As the season ends for these plants, their leaves and stems die back, and, virtually disappear...seemingly without a trace!  In truth, 'herbaceous' plants, during their disappearing act, are 'kinda', just barely above ground, or a little below ground.  They can be annuals, perennials, or biennials.  And, they're just waiting for the new season when they can pop back up and start over again.  I learned that when the new season begins, 'herbaceous' plants come up quickly, and grow fast!
The Stella D'Oro is a perfect example of a 'herbaceous' plant.
photo by suzanne
Stella D'Oro lilies will bloom into the fall, then, die off as tho they were never there.  Of course, at this time, you can thin them out and transplant them to other areas.
The Hosta is also 'Herbaceous'
photo by Suzanne
Oh, don't mind 'Frogmalion'...he's just the keeper of the greens!  So you see my big Hosta? It is also on the 'herbaceous' list, and, totally disappears in the winter...again, no trace!  Then, starts peeking up thru the soil in early spring.  I've had this one for 7 or 8 years now.  The bulb is like a little cap, with some stringy roots attached.  You wouldn't think that small clump could produce a plant this nice!
And, then, there's the 'Coleus'
photo by suzanne
Now, I don't know why the Coleus is on the 'herbaceous' plant list.  I've had plenty of Coleus plants over the years, and, true...they don't have woody stems, but, if these sweethearts die back, that's it folks!  I usually take clippings from the tops that have a few leaves on them, and put them into other they go, growing into new, lovely plants.  Sometimes in the late fall, I take small clippings, plant in small 4" pots, and take them into the shed for the winter.  I just lightly water them throughout the cold months.  Granted, they're not just 'beautious' during the winter, but still alive.  In the spring, when all seems safe, I take the baby Coleus out of the shed, and, either plant in larger pots, or into the ground.  I have not ever experienced a Coleus plant returning from the ground in the spring.
  Have you?
Liriope, aka 'Monkey Grass'
photo by suzanne
How about those Zinnias?  This large bouquet of Zinnias were a result of 'flying seed'.  Believe it or not, Karo had spread some dried seed from other spent 'Broadleaf Zinnias', and, the following spring this 'momba jamba' cluster appeared 'outside the box', in front of the liriope border!
Which brings me to my last example of a 'herbaceous' plant.  The 'Liriope', otherwise known as 'Monkey Grass' is on the Herbaceous plant list.  It does meet most of the requirements to be included, as, in some cases, it does die back.  But, for the most part, 'Liriope' is evergreen.  You can cut it back, or mow it back to nothingness...and, then it will return, full of life and vigor!  This variegated grass that I have, is very invasive-YAH!  I can't divide it fast enough!  But it is very pretty, and, I gladly share with anyone who desires it.
Other plants on the 'Herbaceous' list include, Geraniums, Canna, Salvia, and Banana Trees.  This was a very fun, new term for me...I'll try not to wear it out!  Haha!☺
AND, speaking of projects...I implore you, my gracious readers, to please send me photos of your favorite windowsill for my windowsill share event.  I have received photos from several of you...Thank you so much-and, they're great!  I would like to receive your photo(s) by the end of this coming week, so, I can begin my post. 
I am thanking you in advance for participating in this sharing event!
I'm so grateful you stopped by to see what I've been up to...  Maybe we'll have a POP QUIZ on this post one day, haha!  Just kidding!  But, all kidding aside, I appreciate're fabulous!  Thank you for humoring me- I treasure your comments and input!  Have a safe weekend...come by anytime!♥
Thank You also:
***  one more for the road, ok? ***


  1. Hi, Susan! This was a very informative post. If you're planning to spring a POP QUIZ on us then I intend to stay up late every night cramming lest I flunk the exam! Here in Central Florida we typically experience two or three hard freezes per winter. Plants and shrubs sustain heavy damage and need to be drastically cut back in spring; but most bounce back during the growing season. Mrs. Shady is the outdoor gardener while I favor indoor containerized collections. Before turning exclusively to cactus and succulents I had dozens of potted plants throughout the house including Hosta and Coleus. Have a terrific weekend, dear Susan, and please say hello to my other dear friend Susan if you happen to run into her. Scootie, too!

    1. Good Morning Shady! I bet you have a more tropical environment in Florida than we do. Does Mrs. Shady enjoy Bouganvilla? I always see pictures of Bouganvilla flourishing in Florida as massive tree-like plants. I have to cut back and take inside for the winter. I doubt that you would flunk a POP Quiz...I just may have to do it. Now cactus...I have better luck with them outside in our sandy-like soil and hot weather. Thank you so much for stopping by, I'll certainly say hello to Susan and Scootie! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!♫

  2. Good information on herbaceous plants. No, coleus will not grow for me indoors because I don't have enough inside light. Sigh.

    That is a fun little challenge you have put up for windowsill pictures. I'll plan on one soon to send to you!

    Keep on waving to the bus 'cause the driver appreciates it!

    1. Hi Nancy, sometimes I just line a bedding plant flat with plastic weed block, then fill with potting soil. I then, poke the little coleus cuttings in the soil. We have a couple of small windows in the shed, so there is a little light. And, somtimes we use a sunlamp in there if it gets too cold.

      I would be excited to receive a windowsill picture from you...even a painted one! Thank you so much Nancy. And thank you for coming by. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!♥

  3. Hi Suzanne,
    This was a good article. The weather was very hard on the lilies, I transplanted some and they never made it, will try again, and as for the Liriope, nothing seems to bother them, but you have given me an idea, to plant something else among them, really have a hard time containing them, in actuality they are worse then the mint that sometimes run out of bounds.
    I've dug up bunches of them and donated to the church ladies, but some of them prefer the variegated plants, and since I am blessed with what I have don't want to go out and spend more money, they are more colorful.
    And, if I had a shed where I could over-winter plants it is kind of hopeless taking in geraniums, digging up the cannas because the roots dry out, and I've never tried growing a banana tree, though we saw lots of them planted in the ground when we were down at the lake.
    Haven't got my cilantro seeds in the ground yet, it was too wind y yesterday, will try today.
    Get back to you later.
    Love. Mums.

  4. Hi there Suzanne. Hope all is well in your little corner of the world (well, Texas, I should say!). Loved the little cartoon. Oh, a Pop Quiz does sound like great fun! I'll certainly be up for it. Lovely photos of all the flowers and plants today. Always good to see you here!x

    1. Hi Thisisme. You would love it here today, it's 95°! But it's cooling down nicely at nite. I've been working on getting my wardrobe ready for the cooler weather, in hopes that it will arrive soon. And, I am starting to think seriously about a Pop know, Shady is already studying! Lol! I'm so glad you came by today, and, I wish you a wonderful Sunday!♥

  5. Hi Susan, a great post... paying tribute to those delicate little herbacians. I have kind of just taken them for granted, but, when you think about it - as you have done, they're really quiet achievers aren't they.
    Am looking forward to your windowsill get-together... lol, you're always full of surprises and I love visiting your blog.
    Cheerio for now, it's Monday here... so you're still in Sunday over there. Big hugs from across the way :D)xx

    1. Good Evening Susan, or, rather 'good day' on your side of the world. Well, at least we know that we can depend on the herbacians for at least 3 to 5 years, and, possibly longer. And, we learn when to start watching for them. Ah, the predictable herbaceous beauties! So, you'd better get your photo to me pretty soon. I have started the writing for the windowsill share, then, I will get the photos in order.

      Thank you so much for your gracious compliments on my blog. Your blog is so much fun to visit also. Have a good your weather warming up now? See you soon.♥

  6. Ola Susan,são sempre muito lindas as flores e folhagens de teu jardim.E muito interessante a foto do onibus da escola.Lembrei na hora do que minha neta anda todos os dias para ir á escola;até a rua é meio parecida,a unica diferença é na cidade,pois ela mora em Kauai[Hawaii],mas é também USA.Agradeço muito tua visitinha,fico por demais feliz em saber que gostas de minhas musicas.Tenhas uma ótima semana e deixo aqui meu grande abraço.SU.

  7. Hello Suzane, I am so glad to see you. My brother, sister and I walked to school every day too. The school bus didn't come to our neighborhood. I'm glad you liked my flower photos, and, yes, I really enjoy your songs. You have a wonderful voice! Thank you so much for your visit, I always enjoy hearing from you. A big hug going out to you!♥

  8. i am...TRYING to get caught up! yikes!

    i never knew i guess, what herbaceous meant...i thought it had to do with HERBS!

    your gardens...your flowers...all look so healthy and green!! i like the way you bordered the angel garden.

    OH by the way...funny little spider-net cartoon!! and cool falling leaves on your sidebar!!

    take care susan!! i can't wait til we get that COOL weather here!! i'm so tired of the heat!

  9. Hi Laura...glad to see you. Herbaceous does have to do a little with herbs. They say that some herbaceous plants are herb-like...what does that mean? The garden with the angel was all yellow flowers, and, up against a fence. I was going for a courtyard look, and, opposite, I had made a rock path. It did pretty well. The spider cartoon was pretty good, coming from a windowsill. We're to cool down some this weekend with some rain-it's sprinkling now. Thanks for stopping by...YAY-its Friday! See you soon!♥


What is your favorite flower today? Stop by and say hello!